Good morning, beloved congregation! Today, we turn our attention to John 1:35-42, a passage that reveals the beginnings of Jesus' ministry and the calling of His first disciples. Our theme for today is "What Are You Seeking? Discovering True Discipleship." This question, posed by Jesus to His first followers, invites us to reflect on our own motivations for following Him.
I. The Call to Follow (John 1:35-37)
In verses 35-37, we see John the Baptist again pointing his disciples to Jesus. He declares, "Behold, the Lamb of God!" This proclamation leads two of his disciples to follow Jesus.
A. Moving from Curiosity to Commitment
Initially, these disciples are drawn to Jesus out of curiosity. They have heard John’s testimony and are intrigued by this man who is being identified as the Messiah. However, following Jesus requires more than mere curiosity; it calls for a commitment to discipleship.Ask yourself: What draws you to Jesus? Is it curiosity, tradition, or something deeper? True discipleship begins when we move beyond surface-level interest and commit ourselves fully to following Him.
II. Identifying the Messiah (John 1:38-39)
As the two disciples follow Jesus, He turns and asks them, "What are you seeking?" This profound question challenges them—and us—to examine our hearts.
A. The Search for Meaning
Their response reveals their desire for understanding: "Rabbi, where are you staying?" Jesus invites them to "Come and see." This invitation is not just about physical location; it’s an invitation to experience a relationship with Him.What are you truly seeking in your relationship with Christ? Are you looking for answers, comfort, or purpose? Jesus invites us into a deeper relationship where we can explore these questions together.
III. Sharing the Good News (John 1:40-42)
After spending time with Jesus, one of the disciples, Andrew, finds his brother Simon Peter and tells him, "We have found the Messiah!" Andrew’s excitement leads him to share this incredible news.
A. The Ripple Effect of Discipleship
Andrew’s encounter with Jesus transforms him into a messenger. He doesn’t keep this life-changing discovery to himself; he brings Peter along on this journey. This reflects how true discipleship compels us to share our faith with others.Who in your life needs to hear about your encounter with Christ? Consider how your testimony could impact those around you. Discipleship is not just about personal growth; it’s about inviting others into the journey as well.
As we reflect on John 1:35-42 today, let us ponder the question that Jesus poses: "What are you seeking?" True discipleship requires us to examine our motivations and commit ourselves fully to following Him.In a world full of distractions and competing desires, may we seek after Christ above all else. Let us embrace the invitation to "come and see," experiencing His love and grace in profound ways. And like Andrew, may we be eager to share our discoveries with those around us.
Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank You for inviting us into a relationship with You through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us to seek Him wholeheartedly and commit ourselves to true discipleship. May we be bold in sharing our faith and inviting others into this transformative journey. In Jesus' name, Amen.