Trusting in God Alone

Lenten Devotional -Day 13 

Scripture Readings:

  • Jeremiah 17:5-10
  • Psalm 1
  • Luke 16:19-31


As we journey through this Lenten season, God calls us to examine where we place our trust. In Jeremiah 17:5-10, the Lord warns against trusting in human strength rather than in Him:

"Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord. That person will be like a bush in the wastelands; they will not see prosperity when it comes." (Jeremiah 17:5-6)

When we rely on ourselves, wealth, or people instead of God, we become like dry shrubs in the desert—lifeless, weak, and vulnerable to destruction. But those who trust in the Lord are like trees planted by the water (v. 7-8), flourishing in every season because their roots are deeply anchored in God’s provision.

Psalm 1 echoes this truth, contrasting the righteous, who delight in God's law and thrive like fruitful trees, with the wicked, who are like chaff blown away by the wind. This is a sobering reminder that our lives must be rooted in God’s Word, especially in this Lenten period of self-examination, fasting, and prayer.

Luke 16:19-31 further challenges us to consider our eternal destiny. The story of the rich man and Lazarus warns against placing our security in earthly wealth and ignoring the needs of others. The rich man enjoyed luxury but neglected compassion, while Lazarus, though poor, found comfort in God. This passage urges us to live with eternity in mind, not just for earthly gain.

Lenten Exhortation

Lent is a time of re-centering our hearts on God. Are we trusting in our own efforts, wealth, or human connections? Or are we anchoring ourselves in God’s unfailing love? Today, God calls us to:

  1. Depend on Him Fully – Like trees planted by streams of water, let our lives draw strength from God’s Word.
  2. Examine Our Priorities – What or who holds our trust? Are we prioritizing material wealth or spiritual riches?
  3. Practice Compassion – The rich man’s downfall was not his wealth but his neglect of others. How are we caring for the needy around us?

As we continue this Lenten season, may we shift our trust completely to God, walk in righteousness, and store up treasures in heaven.


Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that without You, we are like dry shrubs in the wilderness. Teach us to trust You wholeheartedly, to delight in Your Word, and to live with eternity in mind. Give us compassionate hearts that reflect Your love to the world. Strengthen our walk this Lenten season, that we may grow deeper in faith and bear lasting fruit for Your kingdom.


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